In today’s increasingly globalized environment, cross-culture communication is more important than ever. We believe that people from diverse cultures should be able to speak freely without having to pay a lot of money for translation services.

Fortunately, ALIA’s technology allows us to address this issue on a massive scale. Over time, ALIA will unlock the vast amounts of information stored in online resources and contributed by ordinary people to empower universal education, commerce, and upward social mobility.

For knowledge to benefit society, it needs to be shared and accurately communicated to low- and middle-income countries. From a global perspective, information poverty is still rampant because of the difficulty in making information available in the large number of languages that are spoken across the world. Lowering the barriers to communication can alleviate the problem of information poverty wherein many societies don’t have access to basic information to help them improve their quality of life. Democratizing language translation will facilitate the upward mobility of marginalized populations worldwide. It would accelerate the learning of new languages for anyone connected to the Internet by providing side by side comparisons to study.

Without localization, companies can’t address global and domestic multicultural opportunities. Companies can expand globally only as fast as they have the resources to support each new country or language. For many companies large and small, the time and money involved in the localization effort can be a prohibiting factor in choosing to expand. ALIA will allow businesses to expand their markets without the prohibitive expense of translation services. It will also allow the academic community to rapidly assimilate the latest innovations and research without the delays of laborious human intervention. Quick and precise translation will facilitate advanced data analysis by creating ever-wider data mining capabilities – leading to new discoveries in business, social sciences and medicine. Even information concerning niche topics, found in blog postings, tweets, and open social media can be translated quickly and accurately.

Digital currency and blockchain technology make it possible for a greater number of people to participate in language translation. The ALIA platform will handle transactions for work performed through the ALIA interface through blockchain technology. In turn, this lowers costs and simplifies transactions at a global scale by making them near-instantaneous, even when distributing transactions to thousands of participants regardless of their physical location.